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  • One-on-one advice for consultants and trainers

  • Step-by-step support, general feedback on cases, answers to business or education questions, industry advice, etc.

  • Guidance on anything related to dog or cat behavior and consulting, or whatever guidance is wanted



  • 30 minutes (for quick guidance, questions, etc.): $75

  • 60 minutes (for general guidance, questions, etc.): $125

  • 90 minutes (for more complex questions, cases, etc.): $150

  • LYF Mentorship members: free

Cat and Working

What We Cover

  • Sessions can be specific or general and might include a particular case, developing behavior modification plans, learning specific protocols, understanding species behavior, improving mechanical skills, business practices, client interactions, and more.

  • Recording of session is included.

  • Case materials must be provided for my review at least 48 hours prior to our first session, including initial intake, synopsis of plans and assignments, relevant videos, etc.

Obedience Training

Who It's For

  • Those seeking to become pet behavior consultants

  • Experienced professionals looking for more education

  • Veterinary, shelters/rescues, or other pet professional looking for behavior education

  • General advice or assistance with a particular case

Teacher helping student
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